nonton PALIT GTX 470 yuuk,,

So what's new with this 40nm GPU? Well it's equipped with 1280MB of GDDR5 on a 320Bit bus, as well as DirectX 11 support. This beast of a chip is also stuffed with 448 stream processors, and 3200 million transistors. In fact, the GTX 470 uses the same GF100 chip the GTX 480 uses. It just utilizes a little less then the GTX 480. To be exact, the GTX 470 uses 32 less stream processors, four less TMUs, and eight less ROPs. The card also has a slightly smaller memory bus, and slightly less memory bandwidth. However, this card should still rip most games to shreds!
1280MB dari GDDR5 pada bus 320Bit, serta dukungan DirectX 11. Dengan 448 stream prosesor, dan 3200000000 transistor. Bahkan, GTX 470 menggunakan chip yang sama GF100 GTX 480. Untuk tepatnya, GTX 470 menggunakan 32 stream prosesor kurang, empat TMUs kurang, dan delapan ROPs kurang dari gtx 480

* CPU: Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.20GHz
* Motherboard: MSI X58 Platinum
* Memory: 6GB DDR3 1600
* Chassis: Coolermaster HAFX
* Power Supply: Antec 1000W
* HDD: 750GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.11
* Cooling: Liquid
* OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

TEST Game "biadab" (kata bang becco lho), dengan setting biadab pula Dx11, 2560x1600, high details, 4xAF and AA set to 'AAA.'

sisanya buka sendiricapek gwdan internet gw ga cepet2 amat soalnya

karena gw ga enak, gw tambahin deh tp yg ini settingannya beda2x